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Past Fast Jets in the RAF

Here is some breif information about the RAFs Past Fast jets
Some of the RAFs best fast jets are now no longer in service, these include the Hawker Hunter, General Eletric Lightning and Gloster Javelin, all of which I have information on. You can see photos of these aircraft in the Historic Photos.

Eletric Lightning

British Eletric LightningThe Lightning is the fastest aircraft ever to serve with the RAF and is basicly a huge jet engine with wings! It was incredibly agile but complicated to fly and only the RAF's top pilots were selected to fly them. They were useles however as an interceptor as they didi not have suficient space for any extra fuel tanks and could only carry two misiles. They are not alowed to fly any more due to the loudness of the engines.

Foland Gnat
The Foland Gnat was the RAF's fast jet trainer before the Hawk and was incredibly small and light wieght. It was used also as the former Red Arrows display aircraft before the Hawk, they also used them in the display team "The Yellow Jacks"

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The Phantom F4 was only recently pulled out of service and ws a very good aircraft. It showed e

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The Gloster Javelin
The Gloster javelin was a two seater interceptor and had a semi delta wing. It was incredibly large and was in service for only 12 years. There is a rel Javelin at duxford RAF museum.

Hawker Hunter
The hawker hunter was a very fast aircraft and was incredibly good at low level flight.