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Below is some detailed information on all currrent RAF fast jets

Panavia Tornado GR1A:
This is the RAF's reconasise variant of the Tornado. Unlike the GR1B and F3, it does not have any mounted canaon, but is capable of carrying laser guided and dumb bombs and sidewinder missiles.

Panavia Tornado GR1B:
This is the low level bomber variant of the tornado.

Panavia Tornado F3:
This is the Air Defence Variant (ADV) of the tornado. It has missile bays on the lower fusalage, and a longer nose as to acomidate the better radar

Jaguar GR1A:
This is a single seat reconansaise version of the jaguar. It has two after burning jets on it and is very agile

Jaguar GR1B:
This is the Bomber variant of the Jaguar, it can also carry missiles mounted on top of the wings.

Harrier GR7
This is an outstanding aircraft capaple of verticle landings and take offs thanks to its pegasus engines, how ever, it rarely takes off and lands verticly due to the fuel it takes to do this. So it does a STOL instead. It is mainly used for the ground attack role.

Bae Hawk T.Mk1
This aircraft is the advanced trainer for the RAF's fast jet pilots and uses the Adour engine. The Hawk is extremely agile, and fst. It is capable of Mach 1.2 in a dive. It is has two seats and is an exelent training aircraft.

Bae Hawk T.Mk1A
This Hawk variant is capable of carrying weapons for weapon training. It is this fact that it can be used as an air defence fighter in high tensions of war. The RAF's aggressor squadron (100 sqn) also uses it along with the Red Arrows.


Important Information:
All information held on this page is currently there for tempory reasons while the correct info is uploaded.